Site Now Searchable

By March 10, 2015Uncategorized is gold certifiedAfter more than two months of uploading reams of content, then tinkering, and tinkering some more, I thought it was finally time to unleash my new professional website on the search engines. (The site was “live” from the start, but I kept it “hidden” from search engines while building it.)

And so it didn’t take long for the website rankers to take notice. That very high number you see to the left is my SEO (search engine optimization) ranking according to Nerdy Data, a self-proclaimed “Search Engine for Source Code.”

It was far better, actually, than the even lower ranking from Alexa, the subsidiary that provides commercial web traffic data — its global ranking was 23,477,497.

I’m not looking for a rush of traffic, really, just some interesting projects to work on. Still, I’d be curious to see if these numbers improved in, say, the next six to 12 months.

I’ll keep you posted.