Happy Holidays

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xmasappI thought I’d drag out once again this little “drag ‘n drop” holiday game that I created a couple of years ago when I was first starting to learning Flash. (Too bad these skills aren’t really useful anymore.)

If  you’d like to play, select/click the picture to the left. It’s actually kind of fun, though it may not be viewable on some devices. Oh, and, happy holidays!

Published in Spain

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Telva_coverGetting published abroad is nothing new for me, really.

As a longtime journalist for The Associated Press (stationed in Hartford, Conn.; Miami; and New York), my stories have been featured in newspapers and on broadcasts just about everywhere. (I’m not bragging — it’s just how a global news service works.)

But I’ve never written directly for a foreign publication — until now.  I have a feature article in the November issue of Telva, a Spanish language monthly women’s magazine published in Madrid.  It’s actually that country’s second largest women’s magazine with a circulation of around 1750,000. (I’m not sure of its digital traffic.)

The article is about the real estate developer Jared Kushner, who is is the son-in-law of Donald Trump, the presidential hopeful. Pretty timely, I suppose. Telva’s editor in chief contacted me about doing this story, having seen a Q-and-A profile I did on him for The York Times earlier this year.

There was nothing terribly new in this Telva piece, but it didn’t matter to them: Spain was hungry for anything related to the Trump family, especially the young, handsome and wildly successful husband of Ivanka.

Back to the Past

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You can also read a version of my recent high school reunion essay on Medium in the Midcentury Modern magazine. Just click on the logo below. Feel free to comment, and while you’re at it, browse through some of the great articles there.



Falling for Autumn

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