
By April 15, 2015Uncategorized

sketch-of-laptop-on-white-background-vector-illustration_MypVEfd_ copyI recently became a contributor to a writer friend’s new venture: Midcentury/Modern, a magazine-style collection of stories written by and about baby boomers on Medium.com.

For those of you who may not know, Medium is a relatively new blog-plublishing platform founded by Twitter’s co-founders, Evan Williams and Biz Stone, and it’s rapidly growing in popularity.

My very first contribution is an essay (a six-minute read, according to Medium) about my three-year journey back to school for a master’s degree in Interactive Media.

You can read it here. Feel free to comment on the Medium site, and if you like, even recommend.

(You don’t have to have a Medium account.)viviandiploma1








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