I thought I’d squeeze in a plug for another website that I recently designed and built (almost from scratch, I might add) for the final, capstone project of my graduate program.
Catching a Third Wind is a content-rich site – replete with a video documentary produced by moi – created to help those with painful hip impingement, or too much friction in the hip joint. Among the ranks of sufferers are athletes like the Yankee third baseman Alex Rodriguez, entertainers like Lady Gaga, and non-celebs like me.
My hip issues developed while I was training for the New York City marathon back in 2010, and resulted in two arthroscopic surgeries almost a year later to repair torn labrums and remove the bone spurs that caused the tears.
Just before my first surgery, and as I began my graduate program in Interactive Media, I started the Catching a Third Wind blog. My very first assignment in my very first class was to create a self-hosted blog (about any subject) and update it regularly. This blog not only satisfied the class requirements but became a helpful and cathartic part of my recovery – not to mention, the recovery of fellow sufferers who flooded my posts with comments and questions.
I decided to expand this blog into an informational website to satisfy the needs of blog visitors looking for more material about hip impingement. The revised site offers frequently asked questions, a resources page as well as core-strengthening exercises. And, yes, there’s still a blog component.
It was only fitting that the final assignment in my final class took me full circle.